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Damn I could imagine the pain the two brothers went through pretending to smile and laugh and dance just to make they sister not go berserk but at the same time their mother is there on her deathbed. Damn.

Patanu • 1 year ago

Thats an Oda character thing, if you ever think a character is annoying, ugly or weird. There's probably a sad backstory about it or their actually awesome.

Whoever shot that bish basically saved countless lives in future there's no way those idiots who can't even bring themselves to breath the same air as other humans could just accept fish people

Angel of death • 10 months ago

So her stupidity finally got her killed

I Don't Like Mondays • 2 years ago

I feel mad and sad at the same time, she could have easily avoided her death but idk man

Marly • 2 years ago

Couldn’t she doge that with observation haki

phoenix • 2 years ago

she literally said i let my guard down she wasn't paying attention

Ikr questions like these make me question if we're watching the same show. Lol🤦🏿‍♂️

Zorthox • 2 years ago

Lmao queen put water bucket on herself instead of papers

Yb Better • 2 years ago


Nyx • 2 years ago

L loser 🤡🤣😭

Yb Better • 2 years ago

ratio btch 🤡🖕

Nyx • 2 years ago

Go kys, pos can't wait to see you on the eving news go get blasted by cops 👏 😀

Guest • 2 years ago
Nyx • 2 years ago


Yb Better • 2 years ago

white texas hill billy cousin fking bum virgin 🤡🖕

hasumi tokisaki • 1 year ago

i think she did the right thing tho. she cnt rlly poor the bucket on the paper because nothing will change abt it that amount of water wont stop the fire even a little. she poor it the water to herself so that she could save the paper to her hands so that the fire wont hit her much because she is wet although she will haveabit burn

Nyx • 2 years ago

Democrats could learn something from her voting rules

HEZIL • 1 month ago

Damn, didn't know it's gonna be this soon. Well here it goes

Tox.icle • 7 months ago

now those are some great brothers

Zian.24 • 1 year ago

Love and hate ; peace and conflict are coexistence in this real world u can't change this fact.

Uchiha Madara • 1 year ago

Mann those two brothers 😭😭

Ryuk • 1 year ago

I love how the writer of One Piece managed to not involve child Marriage in his animation, smart one.

Mie GD • 2 years ago


i hat them
Mie GD • 2 years ago

this is the perfect place to make a main character

Vados • 2 years ago

who killed her

Marly • 2 years ago

Tears of joy hella

DragonBallUlimateHisoka • 2 years ago

ye the disrespect they give for there mum dang. they laughing and all that shit too

phoenix • 2 years ago

if they cry everyone dies and their mother knew so she told them not to cry shirahoshi in that moment was basically a bomb